Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Scratch Film Junkies Response

While watching the Scratch Film Junkies experimental film "To The Beat," I recognized immediately that there were many different layers of film manipulation that had went on to achieve the various effects seen on screen. To achieve these effects, many different types of film manipulation were utilized. A more obvious observation of the film is the pace of editing that corresponded to the music. This, along with images that very distinctly juxtapose one another, made for an experimental film that showed contrasts in both style and emotion. Although I did not distinctly feel any specific emotions from viewing the film, I could see that certain physical emotions were being manifested in the images on screen.

I was very impressed with the film's ability to keep my attention focused on particular spots on the screen, essentially forcing me to pay attention to what the filmmaker wanted me to look at. When I think about whether or not the filmmakers were trying to make any particular point or have a message to their film, I just don't buy it. I think they were mostly having fun, testing the limits of what could be done with film manipulation and music. In fact, I happened to catch a string of words near the end of the film that spelled out "means not a thing". I could definitely be wrong, but I felt like that was the filmmakers' attempt to let the viewer know that they should not read into the images or meaning too much, for fear of losing the idea that experimental film is just that; experimenting with film and seeing what happens when you let go of the normal routine and think outside of the box.