Monday, November 3, 2008


While watching TYM, I couldn’t help but ponder the “legality” of what they were doing. I thought that in some, way, shape, or form, it must be illegal. Now, don’t get me wrong. I loved the movie and loved how they really put forth all the effort to become these characters and really attempt to convey a message in a very unique way. If I were one to make loose metaphors, or to draw comparisons where there might not be any, I would say that TYM is similar to experimental film in that they are essentially attempting to get the general public to be more attentive to a particular issue that is affecting their world. I would say that TYM falls right in line with the “culture jamming” genre of experimental film in that its primary goal as both a film and as a group is to reveal the absurdity of one particular aspect of our culture, albeit government, business, or societal. I do find it very humorous that in the case of TYM, they set out to reveal the absurdity of the WTO and its operations by taking that absurdity even farther, seeing how ridiculous they can be while impersonating the WTO.
TYM did, as a film, seem long and tedious. I enjoyed the raw documentary feel of it all, as it served to complement the actions of the men themselves very well, however there were moments and details that I feel like could have been left out. I felt as if the purpose of the men and the purpose of the film at times coincided but largely the two remained separate entities. All that being said, I feel that the overall purpose of the film; to showcase the actions of TYM and allow the viewer to learn more about what they do, was successfully achieved.
The methods employed by TYM are in line with what seems to be a prevailing them in both this class and in my blog this semester. That is, the theme of satire being a critical component in keeping our society and government honest. If we lose that ability to poke fun at those above us or those who make the rules, we lose the ability to keep our integrity intact. The more we stand by idly and let those above us govern without accountability, the more we are at risk for losing our freedom.
I’m glad there are people out there like TYM that are willing to put themselves on the line, not just in artistic fashion, but in the flesh. It gives me the courage to put myself on the line, whether it be in my artistic devices or in real life.

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